"I had this group in mind for a workshop ever since they made beautiful bags for Umbara. Initially, I too thought the impact was because of perfect coordination, and delivery. But, the bags were perfect. We ordered 80 bags. And they came with soldier walk uniformity. A challenge for even brands like GAP. It was a fruitful 3 days of training these 4 ladies in making blouses. Please join us in wishing Paalaguttapalle team the very best", says our founder Rama Narayanan.
This endeavour would be beneficial for those who would like to place orders directly with them so they can develop a sustainable model.
The quality of studentship in them and the willingness to learn is uncorrupted by life situations, language barrier, physical tiredness or attitude issues. They are single focused and completely straight faced. They exude the kind of teamwork that large organisations envy.

They had the commitment, and will to learn. So what did we really do?
Nothing much, except taught them the process, gave them the tools. Shared with them a well researched prototype and its templates. Gave online guidance, answered doubts, cleared snags, coaxed them when they felt stuck. Pushed them, nudged them, got them to execute 45 blouses identical in cut and construction and fit.

Assembly line precision over long distance in tailoring. Heard of it? No sir! All we did was tilled the soil, watered the Earth, and sunned the seeds. What grows, grows. Apples or oranges.
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